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Cream 013

Here we go again! Starting up the design engine and slapping on a decal.

Cream logo construction

Creating the Cream logo wordmark and style guide

Cream logo construction
Creating the Cream logo wordmark and style guide

…long pause…

How to start

Well, …first I suppose you need an idea, then a mission, then a ethos, then a design style, then a name, and then gulp …a logo.


To me, this part is very interesting, hopefully it is for you, too. It appears to me that my brain thinks in boxes. But despite my efforst to create design with angles, geometry and gridlike presence, at times flourishes and natural curves are the result. Unexpectedly. I mention this only because it strikes me as odd that they appear to be opposites. Perhaps it’s the systematic vs natural style that is interesting about this oddity.

Either way, I really wanted this next step in life to have squares, grids, heavy strokes, and an angular vibe. It’s likely I went too far down that path, but so far the neoplastical logo scratches all of the neurons and synapses that make this design satisfying to me.

UPDATE: Okay, a few weeks later we had done it:

Logo: Check.

So then out comes Cream, LLC.

What is Cream LLC

Cream is our new Analog Design Unit, a term I’m creating to describe my ambition to make things that are physical instead of digital (and there’s undoubtedly a massive article to be written about that). It will be our platform (the wife unit and I) to design and create anything under the sun or moon, whether it be for clients, for ourselves, for customers, for our friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. Be it out of paint, urethane, walnut, beech, brass, copper, canvas, cotton, linen, vegetable-tanned leather, and more. There’s a lot to do, and now’s the time to move forward.

We’ve already started exploring what we’re interested in creating.


Then we composed a style guide to help us explore what Cream will be and how it will be represented to ourselves, and the world. Colors, shapes, type choices, etc. Straightforward at first, then more complete as required.


Initially we will continue to create web design and digital design in general, but the purpose would be to make a complete transition to work and explorations in the physical world. Computers are still good at designing things for our physical space, so they’ll come along for the ride, mostly.

We’re already sharing some occasional insights via https://instagram.com/creamltdco.

Welcome to Cream!

We’re happy that you’re reading this far and we hope you enjoy where we are going with this project of ours. We also thoroughly enjoy working and collaborating with friends. Keep in touch.

Luke & Cº


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