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Play 056

Artwork and Photography by Luke Dorny

My playdate is about one year old here and still works wonderfully.

By: Luke Dorny Lic: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


Artwork and Photography by Luke Dorny
My playdate is about one year old here and still works wonderfully.

There’s a Developer site
There’s a font creator: Caps
There’s a Podcast
There’s a game maker: Pulp
There’s an app for local dev: Mirror
There’s a Game directory

And there’s a News site (Okay, okay)

Artwork and Photography by Luke Dorny
Artwork and Photography by Luke Dorny

I sat on this post for nine months so I’d have time to write more, but I haven’t written more. These links should keep you busy, right?


Like it? You can โ˜•๏ธ Buy Me Cocoa.


No things are technically related.

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