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Decal 019

Stickers! …& development of The Observer, a personal logo.


A larger reprint of the original Observer logo at 3 inches in diameter

A larger reprint of the original Observer logo at 3 inches in diameter

I had briefly written about this personal logo back when I’d launched the v5 design of this site in 2010. Hot off the relaunch of v6 last week I started thinking back… But before I get going too far, I just wanted to say:


Since it’s been nearly ten years since I wrote about the design, today I’m letting you get a decal for the cost of a postage stamp. It’s just that easy!

decal choice
Choose which decal you’d like to receive.


  1. Head over to the Contact page to find our business address
  2. Put your decal in an envelope (if you don’t have one, include your favorite decal or simply a note)
  3. Include an envelope folded up for me to use with US Postage (this is a SASE: Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope)
  4. Choose the sign or the emblem (if you don’t choose, I’ll choose for you)
    4b. NOTE: There are only 52 of each, limit one per person (oh come on!)
  5. Profit! (Don’t quote me here)

Warning: Our office is a shared office space, sending large items or gifts is innapropriate here. Contact me if you’d like to send me a care package.

Phew! Okay. Looks as if it’s time to choose a shop wall over here for all of your decals! Perhaps on this pristine new blank skateboard deck…!

Don’t have a decal of your own? There are plenty of sticker shops online that have specials on short runs, making it very affordable. Mine were made at stickermule.com (no affilaition).

Looking back

I wanted to talk a little bit about the design process on this logo. You know, there’s something about the creative artist in a room all by themselves, creating a work of art that comes from their inner self …and sometimes design and art just spurs into existence. But also, the value in stepping away from the process for a time, and perhaps getting fresh eyes on it, whether it be your own of eyes of another, can be valuable.

In late 2007 I was working occasionally at Greg Storey’s Airbag Industries office, and he and I had been discussing personal logos, and we both eventually finished our revised personal logos, and at nearly the same time, just before SXSW (you see how this goes?). So we promptly spun up some decals for the event to hand out. If you have any more Airbag decals, Greg, ship one to me.

I’d arrived at a close approximation of this current logo, but the spacing was just a tad off, making it look sort of awkward to the eye.

Eventually, with Greg’s assistance, I figured it out… and it hasn’t changed since.


sign decal
The new decal for our ten year anniversary, immitating a US street sign, at 3” high.

So send me a decal and an SASE, and I’ll get one of mine on their way to you!

Like it? You can ☕️ Buy Me Cocoa.

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