Farewell Version 6 032

Farewell, wildly entertaining audio-themed… theme!
I must admit designing version 6 of this blog was a massive boost to my creativity back in 2020.
Let’s revisit some of the parts that made me smile. Finally a site design that really showed off some thematic design that, while incredibly unprofessional and very indulgent, scratched a major itch: A theme that crossed all over the site with a darkly-lit audio equipment vibe. I was here for it. And it was all coming together.

See? author nods at this point while smiling.

The fact that Reel to Reel, mini cassette, Minidisc, and streaming services (using a floppy disc metaphor!) were included in the variety of mediums made it feel like an odd duck. All to tie in to the spinning vinyl record, of course. By the way, the spinning records sliding out upon hover were entirely made in CSS, there was no image used for the record, beyond inserting the album cover as record center label. Also, if the record I had for the post was colored vinyl, that was created using field entries within Kirby’s blueprints for each post (the engine that I built this site upon). And, the record spun at exactly 33 1/3 speed like a 12” record does in real life. Also, there was a 1 pixel variance in the shape of the record, to give it a 1-2% wobble, mimicking real life.
Who’d do something like this? Me, I suppose. So I’d set about making it.

With that design under my belt, we’ll clean up some of the old posts that have falling through the cracks and we’ll keep around some of the good ones. Sorry, floor cuttings!

Fare thee well, version 6! We barely knew thee.
Here we go now, into the wild blue! The structure of the new site is nearly complete, and many new parts are being added in, including an entire new section. And RSS!
Naked redesign has begun. This means the site will look horrid but will improve over time as my next theme takes shape. You can track updates I make to the site with my account on Mastodon (the typo.social instance is for type designers, more on that soon).
Like it? You can ☕️ Buy Me Cocoa.