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Mixed 026

Satin Knobs


Mixed with sliders!


Mixed with sliders!

I have what I think is an unhealthy interest in material surfaces.

I’ve come up with a name for it: “Satin Knob Syndrome”.

It sounds silly, but I figure you have to track the things that make you happy. HiFi Audio equipment with incredibly designed knobs fit the bill (as do machined mechanical controls of all types, oh, and also VU meters!).

Look at the finish, the shapes, the chamfer on the edges, the drill machining, the electroplated goodness behind the screenprinted label text!

I’ve added to this Update a pic of my channel mixer from Numark that I picked up a year ago from an online auction for a great price. It controls how audio is mixed to my office speakers. To be fair, it really has more sliders than knobs, and so is not entirely a good example of what I’m describing. But I’ve posted many pictures in the past of other HiFi equipment I’ve had.

So, what about you? What sort of physical patterns or surfaces tickle your synapses?

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