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GTI 025

8valve goodness

One of the first automobiles that I put a lot of miles on was a black, 1991, Mark II version of Volkswagen GTI model.

I put lots of miles on this Mark II version of Volkswagen GTI model. It was only the eight valve version but also didn’t suffer the problems that came with having a 16 valve motor with a sometimes troublesome timing chain. So not ideal but still incredibly wonderful.

This has to be the most incredible representation of that year model that I’ve seen to date.


Somewhere between 1996 and 2004 I had logged around 230,000 miles on this little beast crossing the country, at least on the West Coast side, more than several times. Lots of memories, lots of CDs, lots of gas stops, lots of snow, desert freeways, and a million nights driving under the stars.

At some point in the 1990s I got into photography and picked up a APS camera from Canon but none of that film has survived. As a result I don’t have any photos of this. Ah well.

That, was a great car. Just look at that steering wheel!

originally viewed here:


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