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Scott Boms is redesigning his site… live!

Scott Boms

Scott Boms, photographed by Helen Crimmins

By: Helen Crimmins
Scott Boms
Scott Boms, photographed by (link: https://flic.kr/p/oB7AZq text: Helen Crimmins)

Scott Boms, a great friend, an occasional colleague, and a fantastically talented Canadiano (he is a drummer, printmaker, designer, photographer, writer, speaker, teacher, author of several books, and much more) has decided it’s also a good time to redesign his website: “A Work In Progress” Oct 2019. BANDWAGON!

boms progress
Text is infinitely readable. Text is actually a perfect place to start when designing with existing content.


I can’t believe the nerves of people who are able to redesign their site from scratch.

On one hand, having existing articles and other content already in place scales down the scope of a redesign, you’re really just altering the presentation of the site. There’s advantages to that!

On the other hand, a full redesign with altered content and revamped structure would be difficult to orchestrate on a live server.

On that same other hand, well, that’s where I currently live, adding a section to this site, revamping all of the others, and switching over to an entirely new engine.


I’m anxious to see where Scott’s site heads, design-wise. He already has hundreds of articles on his site going back to 2004. An update to a site that rich will be a satisfying achievement. Here’s to Scott!

…I can’t believe the nerves of people who are able to redesign their site from scratch.

I really should give it a try.


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