Five Bowl 049

The 5 Bowl deck by Brian Levy. Those curls!
By: Luke Dorny
Had coffee with Brian Levy today.
Which reminds me that it’s been a year or two back that Brian Levy and I connected online, likely around web design, screen printing, and skateboard design (of all things!).
We both began exploring the art of gluing and shaping skateboard decks and I want to say we both challenged each other to paint a deck as a swap, but I took too long and his deck finished first. My deck to swap is in the works, but I hope he isn’t holding his breath.
I think we had talked about the intriguing shapes of type design and we landed on the shape of the number 5 as a great example.

Brian screen prints and makes his own decks, shirts, print projects, and is a contract web designer. Check out his site.
Well done, Brian. The paint lines are precise and smooth and the crisp design is perfect.
I owe you a skate deck in return.
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