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Vespa 086

Peeling Back a Showroom Shine

Vespa scooter resto

Lots to do here.

By: Screenshot youtube
Vespa scooter resto
Lots to do here.

Ready for a brain palette cleanser?

At first glance, you’d think this video shouldn’t be that interesting. But then…!

I won’t spoil it for you. Well, beyond these pictures, that is:

Screenshot youtube
Chromography but slime covered nastiness
Screenshot of parts from youtube
Cleaning, overhauling, and refinishing key parts
Resto frame and seat
Where do you even start. ugh.
Peeling paint screenshot
Stripping it all down.
Screenshot from youtube
Buffing it out. An art form.

Here’s the video embed:


Having spent occasional time slowly restoring Sandy (or family’s ‘71 Sunroof “bay window” bus back to a Cal-style VW bus has been a dream task, and it’s not finished yet. With still several tasks to complete, it’s hardly finished. Steel vehicles being exposed to the elements of the Pacific Northwest is no joke and rust is one foul beast. But that’s an entirely different post.

Also, for those unfamilar with restoration, there is a lot more work involved to accomplish this task than is included in this video, so much process was cut out. Restoring a vehicle is a ton of work.

Oh, also!

Also, speaking of scooters! This one is electric from Retrospective Scooters:

Screenshot of electric vespa
Electric Vespa is a primo way to enjoy a classic. Less exhausting.



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