Infini 046
Cell-shaded sci-fi magnificence.

A hoverbike with golden wheel globes and otherwordly planetary features? Sign me up for the show, I’m so ready.
By: Luke Dorny Lic: CC BY-ND 4.0
Scavenger’s Reign is a fantastic show with an incredible animation style, akin to the wonderful creations of the famous Mœbius.
I’m only ten minutes in to episode 1 and this show is a new favorite.

For more Mœbius (né Jean Giraud 1938–2012), you can read about him here:
And when you return here, see one of my favorite pieces of art by him, this poster of his on my wall. Here’s a little version of the actual cover of the Silver Surfer comic:

Infini is French for infinite, since Jean is French, and a Moebius strip goes on forever.
Update: Nerdwriter just posted this insightful review of the show:
Like it? You can ☕️ Buy Me Cocoa.