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Infini 046

Cell-shaded sci-fi magnificence.

Scavenger's Reign animated show image taken by Luke Dorny of the show

A hoverbike with golden wheel globes and otherwordly planetary features? Sign me up for the show, I’m so ready.

By: Luke Dorny Lic: CC BY-ND 4.0
Scavenger's Reign animated show image taken by Luke Dorny of the show
A hoverbike with golden wheel globes and otherwordly planetary features? Sign me up for the show, I'm so ready.

Scavenger’s Reign is a fantastic show with an incredible animation style, akin to the wonderful creations of the famous Mœbius.

I’m only ten minutes in to episode 1 and this show is a new favorite.

Scavenger's Reign animated show image taken by Luke Dorny of the show
Early in the show it’s obvious to see that the show will mix sci-fi soup with biologically powered machines, and it has me gripped with tentacles now. Watching it all in one day? Likely.

For more Mœbius (né Jean Giraud 1938–2012), you can read about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Giraud

And when you return here, see one of my favorite pieces of art by him, this poster of his on my wall. Here’s a little version of the actual cover of the Silver Surfer comic:

Artwork by Mœbius for the Silver Surfer cover of Marvel Comics
Silver Surfer cover drawn by Mœbius for a joint story with Stan Lee for Marvel Comics, the 1998’s ”Silver Surfer: Parable”. Art by Jean Giraud (under the pseudonym “Moebius”) comics.org/details.lasso.

Infini is French for infinite, since Jean is French, and a Moebius strip goes on forever.

Update: Nerdwriter just posted this insightful review of the show:


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