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Block 045

Blockface Printing Kit

Block face printing kit

Of course the first order of business is attempting to recreate something familiar.

By: Luke Dorny Lic: CC BY-ND 4.0
Block face printing kit
Of course the first order of business is attempting to recreate something familiar.

Just received my Open Press Project from Germany. It’s beautiful.

Also check out the

Topics: #blockface #printing #alphaset #TypeDesign #Typography #willMower #openPressProject

Packaging for the block face printing kit
block face 14-piece modular typography printing kit
The open press printing project and block face printing kit
open press project and blockface printing kits

The Kickstarter link:

BlockFace Stamp Kit by Will Mower is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

First shared here:


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