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MacinGlass 075

Brand New Retro

Macintosh SE/30 screenshot

The Macintosh SE/30 like we’ve never seen it before.

Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
The Macintosh SE/30 like we’ve never seen it before.

I know that I just posted about the “flatmac” as the “Pad”, but this one is also a stunner. Why do I keep posting about the Macintosh? I enjoy it, and it reminds me of when I was a teen.

So, in this video, the “This Does Not Compute” channel builds a practically new and maxed-out Apple Macintosh SE/30 out of plexiglass. …and it is fantastic.

Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Transister bokeh
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Internal glowy chips
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Internal Mac circuit boards
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Grinding away on the internal frame
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Internal circuit boards
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Loading up the OS
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Look at all of that RAM
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
So shiny
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
Mac plus wallpaper
Macintosh SE/30 screenshot
The plexiglass Mac just shining in the dark.



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