NowPlaying — 32

Hold your art up! High!

Haven’t you always enjoyed holding album art up high, skimming your hand over the top to dust off the sleeve, enjoying the liner notes, photographs and lyrics on a physical vinyl record?

Yeah. Me, too. Ahh, the physical world, sometimes so much more …visceral… than the digital world.

In the past, posting favorite album covers online for others to enjoy was something I did. I’d paused for a while, and now I’m back.

From now on they all get posted here.

This time, however, I’m posting the images here, not on a slowly fading third-party app. Have a look around. Below are some of the albums that I’m currently enjoying (or wish that I had) and that reflect my history with music. I’ve marked some of the albums that are already in my collection. Most album artwork is coming from Discogs (individual links are provided) for reference only.

It was said in the late ’90s that vinyl was making a comeback. Excellent. But I’ve also allowed for this section to include many different formats as you’ll notice.

Read my article about NowPlaying and find out what my first vinyl record purchase was. Let me know what your first music purchase was and what format.

I’ll also soon display the tracks I’m listening to now via but until then you can find some of my interests over there (and yes the musical tastes of my kids). I scrobble using NepTunes for Mac or QuietScrob for iOS.

Get inspired. Enjoy art.

What are you listening to currently?

TWTTR: @luxuryluke Hey…
Wait, no, try Mastodon, it’s fun and easy:
MSTDN: @Luke Hey…

View all 50 Updates 36 Articles 32 NowPlaying Records